Osnabruck House
(4th London General Hospital)
105 Denmark Hill, Camberwell,  SE5
Medical dates:

Medical character:
1915 - 1919

Specialist (military)

In 1915 Osnabruck House, owned by the LCC, was requisitioned by the War Office for use as an extension to the Fourth London General Hospital.  It had 25 beds for officers suffering from neurological disorders, such as war neuroses and shell shock.

The extension presumably closed in 1919.

Present status (June 2008)

Osnabruck House has been demolished.  Its site is now occupied by the Denmark Wing of King's College Hospital.

Denmark Wing
The Denmark Wing was built in 1933.

(Author unstated) 1917 List of the various hospitals treating military cases in the United Kingdom.  London, H.M.S.O.

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