Brooklyn Hospital
Lubbock Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5JP
Medical dates:

Medical character:
1914 - 1915

Convalescent (military)
In the winter of 1914, when Christ Church Hall Hospital closed, the patients were transferred to Brooklyn, a house in Lubbock Road lent by Mr John Acton Garle.

Brooklyn Auxiliary Hospital was run by the Kent/60 Voluntary Aid Detachment, who also ran Abbey Lodge Hospital.  

It was only open for a few weeks and closed in January 1915.

Present status (June 2011)

 The house has been demolished and Ross Court, an apartment block,  now occupies its site.
 Ross Court
Ross Court is opposite Willow Lodge, which was once the Coed-Bel School Sanatorium, also an auxiliary military hospital.
Creswick P, Pond GS, Ashton PH 1915 Kent's Care for the Wounded.  London, Hodder & Stoughton.

Walker J 1979 The British Red Cross in the Bromley area 1910-1919.  Bromley Local History 4, 17-23.

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