Auxiliary Home Hospital
21 Holwood Road, Bromley, Kent
Medical dates:

Medical character:
1914 -1915

Convalescent (military)
In October 1914 Mr and Mrs Percival Boyd gave up part of their home at No. 21 Holwood Road for use as an auxiliary home hospital.

The Hospital was an annexe of the Masonic Hall Auxiliary  Hospital.  It had 12 beds and the patients were cared for by the Boyds themselves.

It closed in 1915 when the Auxiliary Home Hospital opened at Elstree in  Westmoreland Road.

Present status (November 2010)

The approximate site of the Hospital is now occupied by the Pavilion Leisure Centre adjacent to The Glades Shopping Centre (renamed intu Bromley in 2013).

The Glades
The Pavilion Leisure Centre.

The Glades
The Centre, as seen from Queen's Gardens.
Creswick P, Pond GS, Ashton PH 1915 Kent's Care for the Wounded.  London, Hodder & Stoughton.

Walker J 1979 The British Red Cross in the Bromley area 1910-1919.  Bromley Local History 4, 17-23.

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